Monday, March 31, 2008

Along the road to Hosanna

The kids loved to have their picture taken. They clamored to have their picture taken and always said "thank you" afterward, one of just a few English words they knew. The also referred to us as "faranji" (foreigner). The yellow plastic jugs are the water jugs that were filled up each day. There hadn't been rain in many days, so water was scarce.


margie said...

So glad you put this together.
She is just the sweetest thing, strong will and all. I remember you, Jill, having quite the quiet strong will. It has served you well, I think. You are an amazing person. You too, Dwain. :)

Margie (auntie to Berie and Louie)

Jason said...

Sounds like a most excellent adventure: I'm sure you'll remember it for the rest of your lives. And she is certainly a cutie!

-Uncle Jase